The current situation and existing problems of equipment management in Chinese feed enterprises

//The current situation and existing problems of equipment management in Chinese feed enterprises

The current situation and existing problems of equipment management in Chinese feed enterprises

In recent years, Chinese feed industry has developed rapidly, and there are more than 10,000 domestic feed companies, large and small. However, due to a variety of reasons, most feed companies only focus on the production and sales of the company, neglecting equipment management, let alone establishing a complete equipment management system suitable for the company itself. In particular, some small and medium-sized enterprises have basically no equipment management. Even if there is management, they just stay in the passive state of repairing the equipment when it breaks. They do not pay attention to the usual maintenance of the equipment, which causes frequent failures of some equipment after one or two years of use. , Resulting in a series of problems such as low equipment efficiency, short service life, high production costs, and unstable product quality. In the long run, this state will directly affect the economic benefits of enterprises and weaken their market competitiveness.

1.2 Problems in device management

1.2.1 Leaders do not have enough understanding of the status of equipment management in the enterprise

At present, in order to pursue the short-term economic benefits of the enterprise, the leaders of some feed enterprises blindly pursue the output value, only focus on the production and sales links, and ignore the equipment management until serious problems occur in the equipment. When it affects the production and development of the enterprise, the management of equipment will be considered. Therefore, as leaders and decision-makers of enterprises, they must realize the importance of equipment management in the early stage of plant construction. Because of If an enterprise wants to develop, it must be produced. Good equipment operation is the basis and prerequisite for the production of high-quality products. Without equipment management, enterprises will eventually be unable to produce normally, let alone develop.

1.2.2 Simplification of equipment management

At present, some feed companies do not start from the actual production situation and simplify the equipment management work. They just stay in the state of cleaning the equipment. Disease operation, which not only affects the production efficiency of the enterprise, increases the operating cost of the enterprise, but also easily breeds potential safety hazards.

1.2.3 The quality of equipment operation and management personnel is relatively low, and follow-up education and training are insufficient.

The difference between feed companies and other companies in the electronics and machinery industries is that the quality of equipment management and operating personnel is generally low. The equipment maintenance foundation is weak, the basic cultural quality is not high, and the professional technical quality is low. Some employees are not clear about the structure, principle, performance, etc. some advanced equipment, let alone the correct use and maintenance, resulting in human errors. Although some employees can use and maintain equipment correctly, they cannot eradicate the deterioration of equipment components in time. Daily maintenance and emergency troubleshooting of equipment cannot be performed. In order to reduce management costs, some feed companies refuse to “invest according to the amount” in the training of equipment management and operating personnel. The quality of their employees cannot be improved, good equipment operation is severely hindered, and equipment management is often passive.

1.2.4 The equipment management system is not sound and the implementation is not in place.

At present, the animal feed equipment management system of some feed companies is not sound or perfect: although the equipment management system of some feed companies is hung on the wall, the implementation is not in place, making the equipment management ineffective, and the stability of the equipment operator cannot be guaranteed.

2. Significance of strengthening equipment management

2.1 Equipment management is a prerequisite for safe production and environmental protection.

The equipment in feed enterprises often runs at high speed, high load, high temperature, and high pressure. Once an accident occurs, it is very easy to cause equipment damage and casualties. The accidental equipment and personal accidents in production not only disrupt the production order of the enterprise but also cause the enterprise to suffer heavy economic losses. Therefore, it is very important to effectively prevent equipment accidents and ensure safe production in actual production.

In addition, if the production equipment is backward. Poor equipment management can easily cause environmental pollution. Such as fan noise, grinder noise, dust, and other harmful substances emissions.

2.2 Equipment management is the guarantee of enterprise product quality

Feed equipment is one of the main factors affecting product quality. The accuracy, performance, reliability, and durability of the equipment directly affect the quality of the product. Therefore, only by doing a good job in equipment management and ensuring that the equipment is in a good technical state can we produce high-quality products.

2.3 Equipment management is an important condition for companies to deliver on time.

In modern feed production, due to the complex structure of the equipment and the high degree of automation, various parts and systems are closely connected. If the equipment is not well managed, once important equipment fails, the entire production line may be stopped, which will destroy the production. The continuity of the production process has prevented the company from producing as planned. Therefore. Good equipment management is an important condition for feed companies to deliver on time.

2.4 Equipment management is an important way to reduce product costs and improve enterprise economic efficiency.

Nowadays, one of the important means for feed companies to compete is cost control. The lower the cost, the stronger the competitiveness of the company. However, with the modern development of production, companies spend more and more on equipment, such as maintenance costs, fixed asset occupancy costs, and energy costs. Strengthening equipment management and using equipment correctly and rationally can reduce equipment maintenance costs, reduce equipment life cycle usage costs, reduce downtime losses, and improve work efficiency, thereby reducing enterprise investment in fixed assets, reducing costs, and improving enterprise economic benefits.

3. Effective measures to strengthen stock feed equipment management.

3.1 Change concepts and implement comprehensive management for all employees

On the one hand, feed companies need to change their concept of focusing on production and marketing rather than equipment management and truly realize that equipment management is as important as production management and marketing management. Otherwise, the implementation of equipment management can only be left to form and go through the scene to deal with the decision-making level of the enterprise, making the status of equipment use worse, and ultimately affecting the development of the enterprise. On the other hand, changing equipment management is only a matter for managers. The traditional concept of repairing equipment only when it breaks makes it truly achieve the comprehensive management of the equipment from the top manager of the enterprise to the on-site workers, from the engineering department to the maintenance department.

3.2 Strengthen continuing education and training to improve the quality of equipment use, management, and maintenance personnel.

In view of the relatively low quality of equipment management, use, and maintenance personnel in feed enterprises, it is very necessary to strengthen their continuing education and training. Therefore, enterprises must be willing to invest in intelligence and pay attention to the potential development of employees. They must regularly organize technical training and on-the-job training at different levels and contents and create conditions for equipment managers, technicians, and maintenance personnel to learn from domestic and foreign Advanced equipment management concepts, modern management knowledge and advanced maintenance technology have gradually improved the cultural and technical level of equipment management, use, and maintenance personnel, able to master the specifications for equipment use and maintenance, and have a clear understanding of the structure and function of the equipment. The skills of inspecting, measuring, and repairing equipment deterioration in order to better serve the enterprise and improve its competitiveness.

3.3 Strengthen the management of key equipment.

Generally, there are dozens of production equipment in feed enterprises, and the number of equipment in large-scale feed factories can reach more than 100. However, there are only 3 to 5 mechanical maintenance workers and electricians in the feed factory. How to ensure the normal operation of the production equipment in the workshop under the condition of fewer people and more equipment is a matter of concern to the production supervisors of various feed factories. After practical research, the implementation of the key equipment management systems in feed enterprises is a feasible method of equipment management. The main idea is to classify the equipment of the feed factory according to its importance and formulate corresponding equipment maintenance and management methods.

From the aspects of production, quality, cost, safety, and maintainability, the production equipment of feed enterprises can be divided into three categories: key equipment, important equipment, and general equipment. Key equipment is often irreplaceable equipment in the entire process. Its normal operation or not will directly determine whether production can be carried out, and its performance directly determines product quality. As pulverizers, mixers, mixed conveying equipment, pelletizers, boilers, etc. are all key equipment in the feed workshop.

Key feed mill equipment requires key management and strict implementation of daily maintenance specifications. Take the pulverizer (including the negative pressure suction system) as an example. First of all, whether it is a pulverizer or a maintenance worker, the standard for its intact condition must be clarified. At the same time, inspection specifications must be formulated to determine its key components such as bearings, rotors, and negative pressure. The solenoid valve and cloth bag of the suction dust collector, as well as the daily inspection and periodic inspection of vibration and noise in operation, and the person in charge, so as to discover hidden dangers of equipment failure in time. The daily inspection of the shredder must be carried out every shift, and the regular inspection is generally carried out by a maintenance worker every quarter. ①For important equipment such as shredders, specific maintenance procedures, and standards must be formulated, including safety operation procedures, maintenance procedures, wearing parts replacement procedures, common faults, and troubleshooting methods, etc., and require operators and maintenance workers Strictly follow these regulations and standards to operate and maintain the grinder, weekend maintenance, regular maintenance, and normal lubrication.

②Strict failure analysis work. Once the equipment fails, while troubleshooting, it is necessary to analyze and find the cause of the failure in time, sum up experience, formulate preventive measures, and reduce the failure rate of key equipment as much as possible. At the same time, we must continue to do a good job of recording equipment accident cases.

③ Strengthen the management of vulnerable parts and common spare parts of key equipment. The hammers, screens, and bearings of the crusher must have sufficient reserves, and at the same time, the purchase channels must be strictly controlled to ensure quality. ④Maintenance and repair of key equipment should be prioritized and implemented. ⑤Technical data of key equipment including operating instructions, spare parts atlas and specification list, lubrication specifications, electrical diagrams, maintenance procedures, maintenance records, spare parts files, etc. must be complete. ⑥Operators must be specially trained and pass the examination before they can take up their posts.

In actual production, different processes and equipment configurations make the focus of each piece of equipment different. At the same time, the scope of key equipment in each workshop should be adjusted and revised once a year, with the purpose of highlighting key equipment and improving equipment management efficiency.

3.4 Establish a maintenance system and maintenance plan.

Good equipment management, in addition to the correct and reasonable use of equipment, is important for meticulous maintenance and timely repair. Equipment maintenance must be carried out at the same time as daily maintenance, primary maintenance, and secondary maintenance. Daily maintenance is generally completed by operators, mainly cleaning, lubricating, tightening, and adjusting the equipment every day, observing and inspecting the equipment, and removing some minor faults. The first-level maintenance is generally carried out once after the equipment has been used for 500-700 hours. It is usually carried out regularly by the operator under the guidance of the maintenance worker. It is mainly based on the use of the equipment to disassemble, clean the parts, adjust the gap, and remove the surface oil. Records shall be made after the completion of the first-level maintenance. The secondary maintenance is generally carried out after the equipment has been running for 2,500 to 3,000 hours, and is usually completed by professional maintenance personnel with the cooperation of the operator. It is mainly for partial disassembly and inspection of the equipment, cleaning, and oil replacement, repair or replacement of vulnerable parts Etc.

A specific plan must be formulated for the maintenance of equipment. According to the use of different equipment, equipment maintenance should be planned from long-term maintenance, annual maintenance, quarterly maintenance, monthly maintenance, and weekly maintenance to ensure that the equipment is in good condition and that production is carried out normally.

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By | 2021-08-22T17:01:04+00:00 August 22nd, 2021|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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